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How Is Beer Made? – CoffeeLand Alaska

Drink a cool drink as you chill, host a barbecueor just enjoy spending some time with your loved ones. It’s a long and complicated process to make beer. For a brief overview of the way that that delicious drink you like is produced, continue reading.

First, the water that is utilized in the production of beer is passed through a water purification plant in order to filter it before being used to eliminate chlorine.

Next step is to get the tank started. The the dark malt is heated until high temperatures. It spends two hours in the tank, during which the pump’s turbulent motion during transfer causes the formation of foam made up of proteins.

They’ll take samples of the beer in order to control testing after five hours.

The material is called draft that forms and is an unbreakable residue. The wort can be used to create feed for cattle.

The liquid then goes through the tank for filtering, and it is separated from the malt-tusks.

To learn more about the process of making beer, check out the video on the right!
