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Why Should I Hire an Accident Attorney? – Car Talk Podcast

Should I employ an accident lawyer?” For a better idea of whether you’ll need an accident attorney, ask yourself the following three questions.

Am I injured bad enough that I can afford to make a payment of one-third of the recovery to an accident attorney? Based on your injury find out the amount you’ll be able to recover and determine if it’s worthwhile for the attorney to be hired.

Do I have enough evidence that I require an accident attorney? Even if you suffer only minor injuries, the value of your settlement may not cover attorney fees.

Do I have a case with issues that I need an attorney to speak to me about? Legal terms can be confusing at times, and you may need to hire a lawyer to assist you in understanding the legal aspects of your case. You might also have issues that require attention by a lawyer. An accident lawyer is the best person to call in case you’re struggling to comprehend or have issues with the case.

Watch the video to see how an accident attorney can help you, and the importance of these questions.
